News / green juice
Our Joyous Start to the Day!
Dear Friends and Family,
We would love to share with you PureBella's Family favorite way to start the day: with a large glass of Chlorophyl rich Green Juice.
These are some of our favorite green juice recipes.
2 Kale leaves
½ bunch Spinach or Romaine
A small handful Parsley
4 Celery stalks
1 Cucumber
1/2 bunch Spinach
2 Romaine leaves
Small handful Cilantro
1 cup Pineapple
2 Tbs Lime juice
4 Kale leaves
6 to 8 Romaine leaves
½ bunch Parsley
1 Apple
½ cup Grapes
2 Kale leaves
½ bunch Romaine
1 Apple
1 Lemon
½ tsp Ginger
Enjoy a green juice and drink to your health!